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October 2014 (More)
NANA Meeting
October 09, 2014
Members present:
- Marilyn Yellowman
- Lisa Wayman
- Tilda Smith
- Carol Dahozy
- Stephen Livingston
- Alberta McCabe
Call to order: 5:45PM
Marilyn reported the amount in our Wells Fargo checking account: $3,215,51. There have been no transactions in the past month.
No student scholarship applications were received for Fall semester.
The Spring scholarship will be for the same amount $500 and directed towards undergraduate nursing students enrolled in a college located in the Phoenix Metropolitan area. Applications must be postmarked by 12/31/14. Scholarship announcement will be on 1/14/15.
Marketing the scholarship is important. Stephen has contact information for the Maricopa County Community Colleges District Office. Alberta will identify a contact person from Grand Canyon University. Marilyn will identify a contact person from University of Phoenix. Carol Dahozy will develop a flyer to distribute to these colleges advertising the spring scholarship.
Sandy Champagne suggested previously that we combine the NANA Christmas party with the EA Christmas party on 12/6/14 since the dates are conflicting. Unsure if there is a special price for NANA members; Tilda will ask Sandy. Tilda and Sandy will work on getting the notification out to members.
World Aids Day is on Monday 12/1/14 and Tilda suggested that this would be a day NANA could possibly do a fundraiser. However, getting time off to fund raise would create a hardship for members since this is a regular work day for most. It was decided that we would not pursue this fundraiser.
Lei Lani contacted Tilda about NANA providing a donation for their silent auction. Since there are no fund raisers planned for NANA and the limited available money being reserved for nursing student scholarships, it was decided that NANA would not participate with the silent auction donation.
Carol gave a brief overview of the Student Nurse Mentor Program at ASUN. This improvement project involves the reorganization of the mentor program. She asked for NANA’s input. Carol and Lisa exchanged contact information.
Next meeting: 11/13/14 @ 5:30PM
Adjourn: 7:00 PM
August 2014 (More)
NANA Meeting
August 14, 2014
Members present: Tilda Smith, Alberta McCabe, Sandy Champagne, Stephen Livingston
Call to order: 5:35PM
Old Business: None
New Business:
2014 NANA event/activity schedule discussed:
- 2014 Fall Scholarship will be announced to students, deadline is 9/30/14.
- Online scholarship application will be updated by Alberta McCabe
- Changes to eligibility: will only be awarded to students already in nursing program, will limit to students attending school in metropolitan Phoenix area. Stephen suggested considering NANA scholarship name be
- Changed to Angie Cimino Memorial Scholarship. She was a founding mother of NANA.
- Stephen will search for whatever information he can find about Ms. Cimino
- Sandy can locate and discuss this with her granddaughter.
- Meeting to be held on 11/13 to 11/14/14 in Flagstaff at Little America.
- NANAINA meeting to be held in conjunction on 11/15/14
- Both events will be posted on the website
- Pending date 12/6/15 @ 11:30AM at Monti’s La Casa Vieja in Tempe, AZ
- Sandy Champagne to contact vendor
- ASU student’s ending school year and finals date were taken into consideration
- Carol Dahozy is the new ASUN nurse mentor.
- Stephen gave a comprehensive update on the different nursing tracks, eligibility requirements, payback requirements, curriculum, etc. that ASUN students must consider when entering nursing programs at ASU.
Next meeting: October 9, 2014.
Adjourn: 7:00PM
July 2014 (More)
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